Around 180 people sought to cross the sea to Europe in 000, according to the EU. The EU countries have now agreed on a common migration and asylum pact. Photo: islamicreliefusa. Source: Flickr.
Of: Nora Nattorp
In mid-June, one of the worst migration-related accidents ever occurred in Europe when a boat carrying hundreds of refugees sank in the Mediterranean Sea. About two weeks before the incident, negotiations on a new migration and asylum pact within the EU were completed. This pact has been one of the focus areas during Sweden's presidency of the EU Council of Ministers in 2023.
July 12, 2023, Reportage
Culture is conspicuous by its absence in Agenda 2030 and the global goals. Several actors in the cultural sector have therefore started the #culture2030goal campaign, to include an eighteenth culture-focused goal in Agenda 2030. "Culture has the ability to change our way of thinking," says Natalie Giorgadze at Culture Action Europe. Photo: Natalie Giorgadze/UN Women. Source: Flickr.
Of: Nora Nattorp
All UN members signed the agenda in 2015 and thereby established that the work for sustainable development requires efforts in several sectors. But one sector seems to be missing: culture.
May 23, 2023, Interview
The refugee camps in Bangladesh are temporary homes with substandard security for nearly a million Rohingya who have fled Myanmar. Photo: Fahmin Ahmed. Source: Flickr.
Of: Nora Nattorp
Nearly one million Rohingya have fled their homeland of Myanmar to the Cox's Bazar region of Bangladesh due to persecution and conflict with the military government. For the people in the camp, resources are scarce and security substandard. And despite efforts to help rohingya, both in the home country and internationally, is the situation still unpredictable.
April 21, 2023, Reportage
Recently, the IPCC's new climate report was published, which shows the great need for rapid measures against climate change. That, and the environmental organization Aurora's lawsuit against the state, are two topics that have been debated over the past week. Photo: Anders Hellberg. Source: Wikimedia commons.
Of: Nora Nattorp
The UN's climate panel has released a new climate report and the Nacka district court has issued a summons against the state after the environmental organization Aurora sued the state for a lack of environmental policy in November. There are two topics that have been discussed on Swedish opinion pages during the past week. Several debaters have also discussed the role of researchers in climate activism.
March 28, 2023, Current debate
During Viktor Orbán's 13 years in power in Hungary, press and media freedom in the country has been severely restricted. This has provoked reactions and received criticism from the EU. In the picture, Viktor Orbán speaks before his EU parliamentary group, EPP, in 2014. Photo: European People's Party. Source: Flickr.
Of: Nora Nattorp
Viktor Orbán regained the position of Prime Minister of Hungary in 2010. Since then, he has implemented major political changes affecting the democratic rights of the population. Journalists in the country are wiretapped and critical voices are silenced - despite the fact that freedom of speech and the press is part of the country's constitution.
March 16, 2023, Development magazine explains