My attempt to live in an environmentally friendly way in Ukraine goes like this

"For many, it depends on how easy it is to live environmentally friendly. If it's easy, we do it." It writes FUF correspondent Nick Nguyen in a column. Photo: Nick Nguyen.

Of: Nick Nguyen

It is easy to live environmentally friendly in Uppsala where I study. You can always walk or cycle to where you are going. You can choose environmentally friendly products at ICA and it is easy to sort waste. Even though I am not a vegetarian, I often eat vegetarian food. I always travel by train to other cities and I never have to drive. But it is also easy to quickly get used to this lifestyle when you are abroad.

October 14, 2021, FUF-correspondents, Chronicle

Attitudes towards vaccinations a challenge for Ukraine

The number of vaccinated in Ukraine is low compared to other countries in Europe. Despite this, crowds gathered during the summer of 2021. Photo: The writer's.

Of: Nick Nguyen

Vaccination is crucial for a country to be able to put the pandemic behind it. But the slow pace of vaccination throughout Eastern Europe means that the pandemic may return in full force this autumn. In Ukraine, our correspondent is trying to find out why the willingness to vaccinate is low even among the young and well-educated.

September 14, 2021, FUF-correspondents, Reportage