Contraceptives that work for several years and can be hidden, such as IUDs, can give women greater freedom. Photo: Donna G, Flickr
Of: Molly Jerlstrom
In Zambia, a quarter of women in need of family planning do not have access to it. Despite challenges with stigma and a lack of information, great progress is being made that gives women new opportunities and conditions in life. The development magazine has met Linnéa Wallén, who has visited Zambia to study gynecology in the country.
December 11, 2019, Interview
Women demonstrate for equality and the right to free abortion in Los Angeles, USA. Photo: Larissa Puro
Of: Molly Jerlstrom
All political issues follow the times. One issue that has definitely done so is the right to free abortion - sometimes controversial, sometimes forgotten and taken for granted. The scope of the issue in the debate varies greatly, especially in the high-income countries where free abortion is part of the legislation. Once the issue of abortion is put on the agenda, […]
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October 23, 2019, Chronicle
Toxic algal blooms in Lake Erie, USA, due to pesticide residues leaking into the lake. Photo: Flickr
Of: Molly Jerlstrom
The climate issue is more relevant than ever. Concepts such as flight shame and climate anxiety dominate today's debates, which shows that the focus is primarily on the individual and on the emotional relationship to the threatened climate. Biologist and activist Pella Thiel instead wants to move our eyes and work for Sweden to give nature its own rights.
May 28, 2019, Interview
According to Amnesty, 2017/2018 has been a year of political anger, and many political leaders have contributed to increasing the distance between people. Source: Flickr
Of: Molly Jerlstrom
Is the number of conflicts in the world increasing? Or will the world just become a better and better place, in line with Hans Rosling's fantastic message? What really triggers a conflict? In an environment that seems to be as full of "fake news" as of facts, it is difficult to know what to believe. To form […]
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March 21, 2019, Chronicle
Les Gilets Jaunes is still demonstrating in Paris. Photo: Molly Jerlström
Of: Molly Jerlstrom
More than 130 outraged Parisians are estimated to have taken part in last weekend's demonstrations against the French government and its policies. A policy that in the long run will reduce global warming, but which in the short run is perceived as impossible and unfair to many in France.
December 14, 2018, FUF-correspondents