Reduce climate change and hunger with trees

Benta Muga in Kenya uses agroforestry on his farm and plants crops together with trees. Photo: Amunga Eschuchi, Vi-skogen

Benta Muga in Kenya uses agroforestry on his farm and plants crops together with trees. Photo: Amunga Eschuchi, Vi-skogen

Of: Anders Malmer, Christina Schaffer, Christina Mastroianni, Linda Andersson, Madeleine Fogde, Maria Olund, Mary Schultz and Matthias Goldmann

It is not sustainable to solve the need for more food and feed with continued deforestation or overuse of agricultural land. Instead, we need to invest in production that reduces emissions, increases biodiversity and provides food for people. Part of the solution is about trees, write researchers and organizations within the Agroforestry Network.

October 1, 2018, Debate

Five challenges - five opportunities for you, Isabella!

Of: Matthias Goldmann

Isabella Lövin has been given a new title. Instead of a Minister for Development Aid, Sweden now has a Minister for International Development Cooperation and Climate. The title opens up new opportunities, writes Mattias Goldmann, CEO of the green and liberal think tank Fores, which here in an open letter delivers five challenges to the minister.

May 27, 2016, Debate