Of: Anneli Rogeman, Annika Schabbauer, Annika Forests, Birgitta Göranson-Iliste, Bo Forsberg, Cecilia Chatterjee-Martinsen, Erik Lysén, Gabi Björsson, Kristina Henschen, Lisa Sjöblom, Lotta Sjöström Becker, Luis Lineo, Maria Andersson and Marianne Eriksson
President Donald Trump's reintroduction of the Global Gag Rule means that much of America's maternal health assistance is frozen - something that will affect those living in poverty the most. It risks significantly increasing the number of unwanted pregnancies and leading to the deaths of thousands of girls and women around the world. Now Sweden and the outside world must cover for the reduced aid. Therefore, 14 organizations in CONCORD Sweden's gender equality working group call on the government and the Riksdag to add new money to the spring budget.
February 23, 2017, Debate
Of: Kristina Ljungros and Maria Andersson
Donald Trump's administration risks a severe blow to women's rights and health, even far beyond the borders of the United States. In a situation where the United States may withdraw assistance in efforts related to sexual and reproductive health and rights, it is all the more important that other countries intensify their work in this area. That is why we are demonstrating tomorrow in solidarity with the Women's March on Washington, write Kristina Ljungros and Maria Andersson from RFSU.
January 20, 2017, Debate
Of: Maria Andersson
By 2030, everyone will have access to contraception. The world leaders have promised that. But it is not enough to just ensure distribution and infrastructure. People must be given power and the right to decide over their own bodies. So far, more than 225 million people lack contraceptives, writes Maria Andersson, Secretary General of RFSU, the Swedish Association for Sexual Enlightenment.
October 11, 2016, Debate
Of: Anna Mia Ekström, Anna Sjöblom, Christina Franzén, Claes Ånstrand, Farhad Mazi Esfahani, Frida Sandegård, Gunilla Källenius, Mari Mörth, Maria Andersson, Mikaela Hildebrand and Tobias Alfvén
Every year, AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria cause the deaths of three million people. The challenges are many, but there is still hope of achieving the UN goal of stopping these diseases by 2030. In two weeks, world leaders will announce how much contribution they are willing to make to the Global Fund against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in the next three-year period. It is time for a gathering of forces, write representatives of RFSU, RFSL, Médecins Sans Frontières, the Swedish Medical Association's Committee for Global Health, the World Infection Fund, Karolinska Institutet and HIV-Sweden.
September 9, 2016, Debate
Of: Ann Svensén, Anna Hägg-Sjöquist, Annica Sohlström, Bo Forsberg, Daniel Grahn, Eva Christina Nilsson, Gunnel Axelsson Nycander, Johanna Sandahl, Magnus Falklöf, Maria Andersson, Niclas Lindgren and Sofia Walan
Every fifth aid krona is used today to handle refugee reception in Sweden. The fact that the government is now investigating whether it is possible to take additional funds from Swedish development assistance, as much as 60 percent, risks increasing the number of people who are forced to flee. It writes representatives of twelve aid organizations.
November 6, 2015, Debate
Of: Kristina Ljungros and Maria Andersson
If one seriously believes in the EU as a global player for freedom, justice and human rights, one must also stand up for abortion rights in the EU. To duck with reference to the principle of subsidiarity does not hold RFSU believes. Courage, clarity and knowledge are now required more than ever.
June 13, 2014, Debate