September 11 is election day in Sweden, and even more people should show their commitment to global development issues on the ballot. That is what FUF member Marcus Karlén writes in a column. Photo: Jens OZ Ehrs/Southerly Clubs. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Of: Marcus Karlén
Election day is a day of celebration for Swedish democracy, freedom of expression, freedom of association and political equality. And even more should demonstrate their commitment to global development issues on the ballot and through political engagement. That's what Marcus Karlén, non-profit active within FUF, writes in a column about the parliamentary election on 11 September.
September 9, 2022, Chronicle
An oil field is an area in the earth's crust with great opportunities for economic gains. Image from California. Photo: Babette Plana. Source: Flickr.
Of: Marcus Karlén
Imagine that a country can undergo a rapid growth journey by giving up the fossil-dependent step. The idea of traveling from a fossil-free society to a continued fossil-free one would mean a new world order and a major step for humanity's fight against climate change.
November 18, 2021, Reconnaissance
"The world's leading politicians are doing far too little, far too late." Zina Al-Dewany writes about the climate issue in an editorial in Aftonbladet.
Of: Julia Carlzon and Marcus Karlén
For almost two weeks, starting on the first of November, the UN climate conference is taking place in Glasgow. Already now, politicians, interest groups and activists are choosing to profile themselves and present their ambitions and proposals regarding the fateful issue of the climate. With the international meeting on the Holocaust in Malmö, there has also been a debate about how society should fight anti-Semitism.
October 18, 2021, Current debate
If you own the profits from a polluting business, you also have a responsibility to deal with those negative consequences. Photo: Ryan Lackey, Flickr.
Of: Marcus Karlén
Capital pollutes the environment, not people. The environmental and climate debate therefore requires a new division of responsibilities based on the world's extreme climate inequality, says Marcus Karlén, who is involved in FUF's local group Stockholm Södra.
May 11, 2021, Chronicle