We need to map out how the global goals in Agenda 2030 are related

Of: Annie Sturinge (f. Sturesson) and Måns Nilsson

When decision-makers invest in schooling for girls, it affects gender equality and the level of education as well as poverty and health. In order to better implement the global goals in Agenda 2030, we therefore need to map out how the different goals are connected to each other, write Måns Nilsson and Annie Sturesson at the research institute SEI.

September 18, 2017, Debate

New development goals after 2015 - where do we start?

Of: Måns Nilsson

Within the UN, work is underway to develop new sustainability goals and the new goals that will replace the Millennium Development Goals in 2015. To avoid the recurrence of previous negotiation failures, there must be a common and long-term development perspective with a clear agenda in addition to poverty reduction, writes Måns Nilsson, SEI Research Director

January 8, 2013, Debate