Five lessons from Russia's war in Ukraine on aid and development policy

In March, the Social Democratic government announced that costs for Swedish refugee reception would be deducted from development assistance. Magnus Walan, senior policy adviser at Diakonia, thinks the opposite - more aid to, among other things, promote democracy in the world, not less. He writes this in a guest analysis on Utvecklingsmagasinet. Photo: The Social Democrats. Source: Flickr.

Of: Magnus Walan

There is a debate going on about what lessons we can learn from Russia's war in Ukraine. Much of the debate is about NATO, but there are also lessons for Swedish foreign, development and development policy. How can politics become better at preventing conflicts and wars? Magnus Walan, senior policy advisor at Diakonia, lists five lessons.

April 11, 2022, Guest analysis

Dare to give smart aid, new government

Stefan Löfven, Peter Eriksson and Margot Wallström

In the agreement with the Center Party and the Liberals, the new government has, among other things, promised a feminist foreign policy. Photo: Collage / Kristian Pohl, Government Offices

Of: Magnus Walan

Happily, the new government retains the one percent target, continues with a feminist foreign policy and makes a democracy offensive in development aid. But it is important not to start from simplified analyzes. Diakonia's Magnus Walan writes about how the new government should navigate development aid and development policy in 2019.

January 30, 2019, Debate