Of: Kristina Henschen
For many people, going to work is life threatening. According to UN figures, 6 people die every day due to accidents and illnesses related to work. Today, on International Work Environment Day, we pay attention to the ugly jobs. That they may exist is a shame for the world, writes Kristina Henschen, head of Union to Union.
April 28, 2017, Debate
Of: Anneli Rogeman, Annika Schabbauer, Annika Forests, Birgitta Göranson-Iliste, Bo Forsberg, Cecilia Chatterjee-Martinsen, Erik Lysén, Gabi Björsson, Kristina Henschen, Lisa Sjöblom, Lotta Sjöström Becker, Luis Lineo, Maria Andersson and Marianne Eriksson
President Donald Trump's reintroduction of the Global Gag Rule means that much of America's maternal health assistance is frozen - something that will affect those living in poverty the most. It risks significantly increasing the number of unwanted pregnancies and leading to the deaths of thousands of girls and women around the world. Now Sweden and the outside world must cover for the reduced aid. Therefore, 14 organizations in CONCORD Sweden's gender equality working group call on the government and the Riksdag to add new money to the spring budget.
February 23, 2017, Debate
Of: Kristina Henschen
The EU's newly appointed 'Foreign Minister' bears a heavy responsibility for developing the EEAS Foreign Service together with the Member States and strengthening the EU as a global player. This requires greater emphasis on EEAS development policy, as well as a review of the role and contribution of EU delegations to this policy. That is the opinion of Kristina Henschen, chairman of CONCORD Sweden.
November 3, 2014, Debate
Of: Alexander Gabelic, Ann Svensén, Annica Sohlström, Gabi Björsson, Jens Orback and Kristina Henschen
The Government's development assistance platform has too serious shortcomings in order to function as intended as the Swedish development aid policy's overall governing document. It lacks analysis of the world around us and visions of how to achieve a fair and sustainable world. It is serious, say Gabi Björsson, Aleksander Gabelic, Kristina Henschen, Jens Orback, Annica Sohlström and Ann Svensén.
June 9, 2014, Debate