The Social Democrats: Sweden's development aid model works well

The government has announced that a certain part of the aid funds will be used to help the refugees who come to Sweden from Ukraine. But the fact that Sweden is one of the world's largest donors remains. It is written by Kenneth G Forslund, chairman of the Riksdag's Foreign Affairs Committee (S), and Anders Östberg, Member of the Riksdag and head of development policy (S). Photo: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine / Nathalie Beser / Swedish Parliament. Source: Wikimedia Commons / Socialdemokraterna / Sveriges riksdag.

Of: Anders Österberg and Kenneth G Forslund

We Social Democrats know that a world with great inequality, hunger and more conflicts is a more insecure world for all. Not least the covid-19 pandemic and Russia's war of aggression have shown this. The world is connected and when it burns in your neighbor's house, it also concerns you, whether it happens in Ukraine, Yemen or Sudan - therefore is development aid policy important and we Social Democrats see it as part of security policy. It is written by Kenneth G Forslund, chairman of the Riksdag's Foreign Affairs Committee (S), and Anders Östberg, Member of the Riksdag and head of development policy (S).

June 30, 2022, Debate

Ten differences between the Social Democrats' and the government's aid policy

Of: Kenneth G Forslund

While Minister for Development Aid Gunilla Carlsson (M) is preparing for the abolition of development aid policy, the Social Democrats want to pursue an active development policy that goes beyond the goal of absolute poverty reduction. This is one of ten differences between the Social Democrats' and the government's policy, according to the party's development policy spokesman Kenneth G Forslund.

June 20, 2013, Debate