The power struggles in Venezuela were one of the most debated topics on Swedish opinion pages during the week. Photo: Eneas De Troya / Flickr (CC BY 2.0 License)
Of: Karl Follin
This week's debate and leader pages have had a gloomy tone around the world's development. Among other things, they have discussed the media's image of Venezuela, the abolished nuclear agreement between the United States and Russia and the major banks' responsibility for human trafficking.
February 6, 2019, Current debate
A lot is happening on the European continent. The large demonstrations in France are an example. Photo: Olivier Ortelpa (CC BY 2.0)
Of: Karl Follin
When French protesters chant in the streets of Paris, the world's intellectual elite toasts toast champagne at the Nobel dinner in Stockholm. But the Nobel dinner also put the EU's relationship with DR Congo on the agenda.
December 12, 2018, Current debate
Said Mohammed's 8-month-old son starved to death during the ongoing war in Yemen. Photo: Nariman El-Mofty, AP (CC BY 2.0 License)
Of: Karl Follin
Swedish arms exports contribute, according to some, to what has been described as the worst humanitarian crisis in modern times: the war in Yemen. At the same time, many are putting their hopes in future peace negotiations - with the help of Sweden.
November 7, 2018, Current debate
Several debaters think that Sweden should take the lead in emissions trading.
Of: Karl Follin
Climate experts Lars Zetterberg and Jessica Henryson want to see a climate policy where Sweden can act as a pioneer for the other European countries in terms of emissions trading. Following the National Institute of Economic Research's report, the Swedish government was critical.
October 4, 2018, Current debate
Of: Karl Follin
The world's health is improving. In two decades, the proportion of HIV-infected people has decreased, the proportion of measles-vaccinated children has increased and the mortality rate of malaria-infected people has decreased. This emerged during a panel discussion with representatives of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Médecins Sans Frontières, Global Financing Facility, Gavi and the Global Fund. The road to better global health is thus moving forward, but is at the same time lined with parallel […]
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July 5, 2018, Almedalen - article, Chronicle
On May 25, 2018, Ireland voted in favor of making abortion legal. This means the end of the previously widespread so-called abortion tourism FUF-bladet previously reported on. Photo: Sebastian Dooris, Flickr
Of: Karl Follin
US President Donald Trump is controversial in many ways. I hardly need to describe him more than that. In addition to the millions of American citizens who are directly affected by his domestic policy decisions, millions of others are affected by his foreign policy. No other country in the world possesses as much capital, or in other words power, as the United States. It becomes particularly clear […]
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May 31, 2018, Chronicle