Sweden needs a law on business and human rights


Photo: ForumCiv.

Of: Karin Gregow

Many Swedish companies today exist in markets where human rights violations are common and labor law protection is weak. The Covid-19 pandemic has further exacerbated the situation of vulnerable people. It is high time that the Swedish government adopts legislation that requires companies to respect human rights in their own operations and in all their business relationships. This is what ForumCiv calls for in a new report.

November 25, 2020, Guest chronicle

The EU's hunt for raw materials threatens development in Africa

Of: Karin Gregow

In an increasingly fierce battle for the world's natural resources, the EU is using trade agreements to secure the supply of raw materials. The EU's hunt for cheap natural resources risks locking African countries in the raw material trap and slowing down industrialization in Africa. Sweden must work to ensure that trade agreements between the EU and Africa benefit African development.

March 8, 2012, Debate