Ebba Busch (KD) mentioned various peace and security issues in her party leadership speech in Almedalen on Friday evening, including Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Sweden's NATO application. "Russia's prospects for influence in Sweden must be zero," she said. Otherwise, she mostly focused on domestic politics in the speech. Photo: Charlee Salmelin.
Of: Julia Lundén Azzeddine, Karin Myrdal and Charlee Salmelin
Ebba Busch (KD) touched on both Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Turkey in her party leadership speech in Almedalen on Friday evening. However, the majority of the speech dealt with domestic political issues and global issues were raised only with Swedish interests in focus.
July 1, 2023, Almedalen - current
Magdalena Andersson (S) raised, among other things, the climate issue and the green transition in her party leadership speech in Almedalen. Photo: Karin Myrdal.
Of: Julia Lundén Azzeddine, Karin Myrdal and Charlee Salmelin
On Thursday, Magdalena Andersson (S) held her party leadership speech in Almedalen. Among other things, she highlighted how children are affected by Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine and criticized the government's environmental and climate policy.
June 29, 2023, Almedalen - current
"We have made the EU a little safer, a little greener and a little freer," says Ulf Kristersson about Sweden's presidency of the EU, which has been going on since January 1 this year and is now due to end. Photo: Julia Azzeddine.
Of: Julia Lundén Azzeddine, Karin Myrdal and Charlee Salmelin
Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) focused especially on domestic political issues such as crime, integration and poverty in its own right number of party leaders during the Almedal week. The global issues that he affected was, among other things, Sweden's EU presidency with a focus on the ongoing humanitarian crises in the world, migration and the climate.
June 27, 2023, Almedalen - current