The SDGs: Between hope and disillusionment, what has to be done?

There are several obstacles to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Progress is being made, but not yet in the speed and scale needed. The question is if the challenges will be overcome in time. (Photo: United Nations Ukraine / Flickr)

Of: Claire Coviaux and Josephine Nilsson

The United Nations introduced the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 intending to address the most urgent human challenges until 2030. The main mantra of the SDGs, ensuring no one is left behind, demonstrates the direction towards a more inclusive and sustainable future. This year marks five years of the 2030 Agenda and the […]

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December 16, 2020, Editorial, English, Leader, Magazine

The corona crisis requires global unity

In times of a global crisis, solidarity, humanity and cooperation across borders are more important than ever, writes Josefine Nilsson. Photo: Gerd Altmann / Pixabay

Of: Josephine Nilsson

During these turbulent times, ongoing humanitarian disasters are often overshadowed by the coronavirus. There seems to be a tendency to overlook commitments to international cooperation and assistance. We currently experience this both within the European Union and the United Nations. The EU failed to answer Italy's request for assistance at the beginning of the outbreak, […]

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June 1, 2020, Chronicle, English, Magazine

The Fight to Increase Women's Political Power in India Continues

Tara Krishnaswamy

Tara Krishnaswamy, founder of the Shakti movement, states that India still has not had a feminist revolution. Photo: Shakti

Of: Josephine Nilsson

Even if the proportion of women in parliament increased after the 2019 election, the gender imbalance in Indian politics remains. FUF Magazine has interviewed one of the initiative-takers of the Indian movement Shakti, Tara Krishnaswamy, who is fighting for more women in politics.

January 30, 2020, Paper, English, Magazine