After the World Heritage classification: Bedouins have been forcibly relocated from Petra

Since the archaeological site of Petra in Jordan was classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985, Bedouins have had to leave the site and move to Uum Sayhoun – a small village where many houses lack electricity and water. The majority of the Bedouins, however, make a living from tourism around Petra. Photo: Johannes Lindh.
Of: Johannes Lindh
One night, the Bedouins in Petra in Jordan wake up to find that they are to be moved without warning. Out of their caves where they lived for several hundred years to a hastily constructed village that will not accommodate everyoneput together. Petra has rated that one of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites, ma hhow are the indigenous people treated when their homes become a tourist attraction?
May 17, 2023, FUF-correspondents, Reportage