That is why it is important to spread knowledge about the world

Johanna Wolf, non-profit active in FUF Stockholm

Of: Johanna Wolff and Max Ericson

The world is getting smaller with digitalisation. At the same time, we also see how complex the world is and that the challenges can be difficult to solve when we are not working together or towards the same goal. But why is it important that we have knowledge of the world and all the challenges we face? Read more about what our two non-profit active members from FUF think about this. They talk about the importance of finding their glow and getting a platform to express themselves.

February 8, 2021, Chronicle

Textile collection can encourage more consumption

clothes in store

Swedish textile consumption has increased by almost 30 percent during the 2000s. Photo: OiMax / Flickr

Of: Johanna Wolff

The fashion industry is increasingly promising sustainable solutions. Companies like H&M have been accepting textiles for recycling and recycling for a couple of years now. But an overconfidence in the circular economy can lead to continued unsustainable consumption and a high climate impact.

March 18, 2020, Reportage