Of: Barbara Jackson, Elin Andersdotter Fabre, Johan Hassel, Maja Brisvall and Sara Borgstrom
Today, attention is paid to the water issue in connection with International Water Day. Water is also high on Sweden's international agenda during the spring. In June, Sweden and Fiji will host a UN conference that will address the catastrophic situation that prevails beneath the surface of the world's oceans. It is high time to seriously talk about the underlying causes of one of the most devastating crises of our time, write representatives from research and civil society.
March 22, 2017, Debate
Of: Elin Andersdotter Fabre and Johan Hassel
The importance of cities for global development is growing as the world becomes more urbanized. Therefore, global challenges must be tackled at the local level. Today marks the start of Habitat III, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Urban Development, in Ecuador's capital Quito. Nordic cities can and should take the lead in the transition to sustainable development - let the conference be the starting point for this, write Johan Hassel and Elin Andersdotter Fabre from the think tank Global Challenge.
October 17, 2016, Debate
Of: Carl-Johan Engström, Elin Andersdotter Fabre, Inga Björk Klevby and Johan Hassel
Decisive negotiations begin today on the UN's 20-year strategy for sustainable cities. Something that should be the highest priority for the new Minister for Housing, the Minister for the Environment and the Minister for International Development Cooperation. A global agenda for urban development is the fateful issue of our time, as it plays a crucial role in the implementation of both the climate agreement and Agenda 2030. But it also offers enormous opportunities for companies, local politics and citizens, writes the think tank Global Challenge.
July 25, 2016, Debate
Of: Gun-Britt Andersson, Johan Hassel and Rosanna Färnman
Sweden has long emerged as a major power in health care. We have also taken on a leadership role in order to achieve the lofty goals in Agenda 2030. At the same time, the government is now reducing its funding for health assistance, write three debaters from the think tank Global Challenge.
February 22, 2016, Debate