Of: Joanna Jimenez
When most debaters in the Swedish media have devoted themselves to discussing Sweden's domestic policy, a few enthusiasts have offered a debate on Sweden's role in the climate and global sustainability. Air emissions, water consumption and nuclear power are some of the topics discussed during the week.
January 16, 2019, Current debate
The Rohingya who are on the run in Burma are in great need of humanitarian aid. Photo: DFID Burma (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Of: Joanna Jimenez
This week's debate draws attention to two current conflicts that call for urgent international humanitarian support - the war in Yemen and the persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar. In addition, Swedish aid to Tanzania and several threats to women's rights are discussed.
November 21, 2018, Current debate
Girls and young women have been the focus of this week's debate. Here are some girls at school in the Central African Republic. Photo: Pierre Holtz for Unicef
Of: Joanna Jimenez
The UN's International Girls' Day on 11 October arouses reflection and reflection from several quarters. Earmarked aid or not, and Sweden's responsibility in standing up for girls' and women's rights has been in focus in the Swedish media over the past week.
October 17, 2018, Current debate
The right to children and surrogacy is a controversial issue. Photo: Leonardo Aguiar, Flickr
Of: Joanna Jimenez
Commercial surrogacy is a growing billion-dollar industry. Trade has raised questions about unequal power relations and women's human rights. Despite a ban in Sweden, Swedish childless couples can turn abroad. Several women's rights organizations believe that the growing industry must also be banned abroad. Many Swedes suffer from involuntary infertility. A state investigation from 2016 examined childless […]
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March 27, 2018, News