Of: Jennie Aradszky
This week, migration policy in Sweden and at EU level has been debated. Nationalism and closed borders have increased within the EU and in Sweden there is a proposal for a new Aliens Act which, according to a large number of researchers, goes completely against the knowledge about migration and integration. Swedish arms exports have also been discussed and criticized with reference to the war in Yemen.
June 14, 2021, Current debate
The Colombian government signed a peace agreement with the guerrilla group FARC in 2016, but violence and drug production have not decreased. Photo: Presidencia El Salvador, Flickr.
Of: Jennie Aradszky
Colombia has extensive problems with violence and organized crime, largely linked to international drug trafficking. The outside world is a direct contributor to these problems and in Sweden it is currently being debated whether bans are an effective drug policy. The Swedish government has extended its development cooperation with Colombia, but the serious threat posed by the illegal drug market is not mentioned in the strategy.
May 28, 2021, Analysis
Two global forums are taking place this year to promote gender equality. Photo: Montanasuffragettes, Wikimedia Commons
Of: Jennie Aradszky
One year later than planned, the global gathering Generation Equality Forum took place in Mexico City. For three days, representatives from governments, companies and civil society gathered to develop concrete action plans to achieve gender equality, which will have effects within five years. Sweden has played an active role as a leader of a focus group on economic equality within the forum.
April 21, 2021, News
Of: Jennie Aradszky and Zozan Palonen Uzun
During the week, gender equality was debated in connection with International Women's Day. The Swedish government is actively working on proposals to strengthen gender equality, both nationally and globally. At the same time, Sweden has lost in certain areas according to the EU's gender equality index. - This is something that we have a hard time accepting, because we believe that we are the best at gender equality in Sweden, says gender researcher Anneli Häyrén to DN.
March 15, 2021, Current debate