The lasting results of development assistance need to be discussed further

Of: Jan Pettersson and Marcus Burman

The very starting point for international development cooperation is to contribute to lasting change. At the same time, there is often a lack of knowledge about the long-term results of development assistance - after the financing has been completed. Aid must to an increased extent be designed and evaluated with the existing changes in focus, writes the Expert Group for Aid Analysis (EBA).

January 11, 2018, Debate

Three risks with the financial management of development assistance

Of: Jan Pettersson and Sonja Daltung

The expert group for development assistance analysis (EBA) has mapped which state actors decide on which funds within Swedish development assistance. The survey shows that the size of the development assistance budget varies greatly, sometimes during the same year. It also appears that development assistance is increasingly tied up in multi-year agreements, and that decisions are delegated to a large extent. There are several risks with this type of control, write Sonja Daltung and Jan Pettersson.

July 1, 2016, Debate

So much of the Swedish development assistance is used in Sweden

Of: Jan Pettersson and Sonja Daltung

Today, a new report is presented which shows that 19 percent of Swedish development assistance is used in Sweden, including for refugee reception. In the debate, there are many opinions about how development assistance is used here at home, but there has not previously been a clear mapping of it. We hope that our report contributes to an increased understanding of how state aid is organized, write Sonja Daltung and Jan Pettersson at the Expert Group for Aid Analysis (EBA).

February 24, 2015, Debate