Of: Hillevi Axelsson
At the end of November, major protests took place in Guatemala, Central America, against the Conservative government's new budget proposal. Protesters believe that health care, education and the judiciary are getting too few resources and now want to see a change.
December 2, 2020, News
Of: Hillevi Axelsson
On October 28, Tanzania got a new president, but the election has been fraught with restrictions on democratic rights, according to several sources. "It is extremely worrying," said Deprose Muchena of Amnesty International.
November 2, 2020, News
In the past week, the shortage of electricity in Sweden has attracted attention. Photo: Pixabay.
Of: Hillevi Axelsson
In the past week, the issue of Sweden's electricity shortage has been debated. To avoid future electricity shortages, the electricity supply needs to be secured. A secure electricity supply is also necessary to achieve the climate goals, writes Susanna Silfverskiöld in Svenska Dagbladet.
October 15, 2020, Current debate
Global Gender Response Tracker shows that countries' actions under the corona do not meet women's needs. Photo: Pixabay.
Of: Hillevi Axelsson
The needs of women and girls are overlooked during the corona pandemic, according to a UN analysis. Only 12 percent of the world's countries have taken sufficient measures to meet the needs of women.
October 2, 2020, News