Statue depicting a mourning angel. Photo: Maggyona, Pixabay.
Of: Harmat Frigyes
More and more cases of sexual misconduct by Catholic officials against nuns are coming to light. As voices for equality within the world's largest religious organization are getting louder than ever, the Catholic Church is once again in controversy.
April 10, 2019, Paper, English, Magazine
The Congo basin. Photo: Ahtziri Gonzalez, CIFOR
Of: Aida Esmailzadeh Davani, Erika Alm and Harmat Frigyes
What if 20 years' worth of US fossil fuel emissions was released due to unsustainable land use? Exploiting the world's largest tropical peatland, recently discovered in the Congo Basin, might turn this scenario into reality.
March 5, 2019, Paper, English, Magazine