Swedish aid to Palestine must not end up with terrorists

It is necessary to pause the Swedish development aid and carry out a review of the organizations to which the aid goes. There must not even be a suspicion that Swedish aid directly or indirectly goes to organizations that support terrorist activities, writes Gudrun Brunegård (KD). Photo: Israel Defense Forces/Flickr.

Of: Gudrun Brunegård

For a few years, the majority of Sweden's development aid to Palestine goes to civil society organizations that support democracy and freedom, human rights and peaceful coexistence. Sida has now been tasked with conducting a review of aid to Palestine. It must be beyond doubt that the organizations that receive Swedish aid stand for democracy, peace and tolerance and do not have collusion with or leak money to terrorist organizations. This is written by Gudrun Brunegård, the Christian Democrats' aid policy spokesperson.

October 30, 2023, Debate

The Christian Democrats: Women's rights in focus in development aid policy

The fact that the Social Democratic government in this situation has decided that parts of the development assistance should be used in Sweden gives completely wrong signals about what international solidarity means. All this risks making an insecure world even more insecure. It writes Gudrun Brunegård, development policy spokesperson (KD). Photo: Bernard Gagnon. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Of: Gudrun Brunegård

Standing up for the one percent goal, women's education and poverty reduction are some of several attributes that characterize the Christian Democrats' development aid policy. With democracy as the highest guarantor of peace, values ​​such as human rights must be defended in the world through Swedish development assistance. It writes Gudrun Brunegård, bdevelopment policy spokesperson within the Christian Democrats.  

July 2, 2022, Debate