Many Swedish companies are too streamlined for CSR

Of: Frida Hjärtman

Utvecklingsmagasinet talks with Marianne Bogle from CSR Sweden about how Swedish companies work with responsibility and sustainability issues, so-called CSR issues. As operations manager for an actor who works for goal 17 on partnership, she describes how Swedish companies are good at, among other things, environmental and climate issues. But there are still obstacles for companies to fully promote the work towards sustainability goals and too strong a focus on efficiency and growth in Swedish companies hinders the prioritization of CSR.

June 24, 2021, Interview

It is not time to back down with aid

The state budget

Of: Frida Hjärtman

Recently, the financing of development assistance has been a current theme in both Sweden and the world. On 13 April, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published statistics showing that Sweden takes the lead in the development assistance phase with 1,14% of GNI for 2020. Thus, Sweden is the largest donor in the world in percentage terms. At the same time, the one percent target is being debated at home by, among others, SD and the Moderates, who want to reduce development assistance. Own domestic problems are weighed against the global goals and the fact that Sweden is one of the world's most well-developed countries, in the question of whether it is reasonable for Sweden to be the world's most generous donor.

May 4, 2021, Chronicle

Week 12: Vaccine exports and human rights in China engage

Of: Frida Hjärtman and Hanna Kristiansen

During the past week, the debate has revolved around the European Commission's proposal to ban vaccine exports outside the EU. There have also been strong reactions to China's countermeasures against European politicians and researchers in response to the EU's sanctions against Chinese officials. The cause of the diplomatic struggle is the repression of Uighurs in the Xinjiang region.

March 29, 2021, Current debate