Week 47: Debater on the scrapping of the one percent target: "Spiritless"

Dropping the one percent target is still the subject of debate on Swedish opinion pages. Photo: Frankie Fouganthin. Source: Wikimedia commons.

Of: Fredrik Govenius

The dropping of Sweden's one percent target for aid has been debated in several Swedish media over the past week. The protests in Iran have continued to be the subject of debate, for example when Ardalan Shekarabi (S) said that Sweden's government should tighten the sanctions against the country.

November 29, 2022, Current debate

Rare Brazilian ballot boxes both praised and criticized

Brazil uses electronic ballot boxes and technological solutions to identify voters in political elections. But this technology has been both praised and criticized. Pictured: Brazil's newly elected president - the left-wing leader Lula da Silva. Photo: Alexander Bonilla. Source: Flickr.

Of: Fredrik Govenius

Brazil is one of the few countries in the world that uses electronic ballot boxes and technology to identify the voter. The electoral authority in the country considers the system to be secure, while critics say it is vulnerable to hackers and that the lack of physical evidence of votes is problematic.

November 1, 2022, Development magazine explains

Week 41: New government proposal agreed to reduce aid and five years since the start of #metoo

"Without yes it's no" - a placard from a demonstration in Montréal, Canada on June 19, 2020. Photo: Mélodie Descoubes. Source: Unsplash.

Of: Fredrik Govenius and Jonathan Lamy

The new government with Ulf Kristersson as prime minister will drop the one percent target and work to reduce Sweden's aid. The proposal arouses criticism from humanitarian organizations but is encouraged by some bourgeois leaders. Meanwhile, it's been five years since #metoo took the world by storm. 

October 17, 2022, Current debate