Photo: Firos nv, Unsplash
Of: Erica Frank and Sofia Karlsson
This week, the debate has mainly focused on global health, focusing on India's new wave of covid-19, so-called vaccine nationalism, and how the Indian government has handled the crisis. It has also been written about Erdogan's influence on Swedish history writing and about Swedish handling of authoritarian regimes.
May 4, 2021, Current debate
In 2020, discrimination against LGBTQ people continued to increase in Poland. Photo: Unsplash
Of: Erica Frank
As in many other parts of the world, right-wing populism and discrimination against LGBTQ people have grown in Poland. For the past two years, the Polish government has declared a third of Poland's cities as LGBTQ - free zones. Reports from 2020 describe how the zones can both be seen as examples of how democratic institutions weakened during the pandemic, but also as part of a longer process of democratic degradation.
April 1, 2021, News