Of: Anna Hägg-Sjöquist, Carolina Ehrnrooth, Catharina Gehrke, Elizabeth Dahlin and Véronique Lönnerblad
Today marks 25 years since the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the UN General Assembly. But despite many and great advances, much work still remains - not least in development cooperation. Sweden has every opportunity to take back the leadership jersey in terms of global child rights work - but words are not enough. One of the big challenges is to ensure that the child rights perspective does not fall away from the Post-2015 agenda, write five Swedish children's rights organizations.
November 20, 2014, Debate
Of: Bo Forsberg, Elizabeth Dahlin, Erik Lysén, Leif Zetterlund, May Britt Theory, Niclas Lindgren, Peter K Sjogren and Sofia Walan
The government's silence in relation to the major development and humanitarian needs in Sudan is unsustainable. When Sweden's voice for support for a peaceful development is most needed, both political will and a clear direction seem to be lacking. This is deeply worrying. The government should present a strategy for how continued Swedish support for Sudan should be designed to contribute to long-term peace and development in the country and throughout the region, according to representatives of Diakonia, International Aid Services, the Christian Peace Movement, Life & Peace Institute, Operation 1325, PMU, Save the Children and the Church of Sweden
February 25, 2013, Debate