Of: Anna Mia Ekström, Anna Sjöblom, Christina Franzén, Claes Ånstrand, Farhad Mazi Esfahani, Frida Sandegård, Gunilla Källenius, Mari Mörth, Maria Andersson, Mikaela Hildebrand and Tobias Alfvén
Every year, AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria cause the deaths of three million people. The challenges are many, but there is still hope of achieving the UN goal of stopping these diseases by 2030. In two weeks, world leaders will announce how much contribution they are willing to make to the Global Fund against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in the next three-year period. It is time for a gathering of forces, write representatives of RFSU, RFSL, Médecins Sans Frontières, the Swedish Medical Association's Committee for Global Health, the World Infection Fund, Karolinska Institutet and HIV-Sweden.
September 9, 2016, Debate
Of: Claes Ånstrand, Gunilla Källenius and Knut Lönnroth
Sweden has chosen to reduce support for the fight against one of the world's deadliest diseases - tuberculosis. With a looming pandemic of multi-resistant tuberculosis, this is difficult to understand. The World Health Organization aims to reduce the number of tuberculosis patients by 90 percent by 2035, but then large research investments and new forms of collaboration are required. It is written by Gunilla Källenius, Knut Lönnroth and Claes Ånstrand.
June 30, 2016, Debate
Of: Claes Ånstrand, Gunilla Källenius, Johan Mast, Judith Bruchfeld, Knut Lönnroth and Olle Stendahl
Every year, 9 million people get tuberculosis. During the same period, 1,5 million people die from the disease. Research on new diagnostic methods and drugs is not a priority. Large pharmaceutical companies tend to pull out instead of investing more. Sweden has all the prerequisites to become the strong voice needed to prioritize the fight against tuberculosis. That is the opinion of Judith Bruchfeld, Gunilla Källenius, Knut Lönnroth, Olle Stendahl, Claes Ånstrand and Johan Mast.
November 25, 2014, Debate
Of: Claes Ånstrand and Gunilla Källenius
Illness impedes development. Curing and preventing the diseases of poverty is an effective way of fighting poverty. In the poorest countries, such as sub-Saharan Africa, people primarily fall ill and die from diseases such as HIV, malaria and tuberculosis, respiratory infections and diarrheal diseases. Development of antibiotic resistance can make the diseases completely untreatable. That is the opinion of Gunilla Källenius and Claes Ånstrand at the World Infection Fund.
April 7, 2014, Debate