The Preservation of Sámi Heritage - A Crack in the Facade of Sweden's Moral Authority?

Samiland. Photo: Alexander Cahlenstein, Flickr

Of: Britta Bamert

Sámieatnan duoddariid, dáid sámi mánáid ruovttu galbma geađge guorba guovlu sámi mánáid ruoktu Sámiland's wide expanses home to Sámi children cold barren rocky realm home of Sámi children These are the first lines of the Sámi Artist Sofia Jannok's song, in the English translation named Wide Open Tundra of the Sámiland. The Sámi people represent the indigenous population […]

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June 4, 2018, Paper, English, FUF Lund, Magazine

Menstruating in the 21st century

The menstrual cup is on the rise. Photo: Intimina, Flickr

Of: Britta Bamert

Menstruation has historically been, and is still today, a cause of discrimination. Women in the past were separated from public spaces when menstruating and disqualified from most types of work because menstrual blood was seen upon as something dirty and sinful. Today, in the 21st century, Indian women and girls are not allowed to step inside […]

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March 8, 2018, Chronicle, English, FUF Lund, Magazine