Violence against women in Bolivia - the second pandemic

Hundreds of people in La Paz participated in a flash mob in La Paz in 2015 to draw attention to gender-based violence - which is a widespread problem in Bolivia. Photo: UN Women. Source: Flickr.

Of: Beata Sjödahl

In Bolivia, seven out of ten women state that they have been subjected to violence in a close relationship and since 2013, one woman has been murdered every three days in the country. The pandemic, and the restrictions it has brought, have further aggravated the situation for women as many women have been quarantined with their perpetrators.

March 8, 2022, Analysis

Week 2: The NATO issue is brought to the forefront with Russia's demands for a sphere of interest

The question of whether Sweden should maintain its security policy line or adopt a so-called NATO option has divided the Swedish debate over the past week. Photo: Canva.

Of: Andreas Klawitter and Beata Sjödahl

The NATO issue has once again become highly topical after the deteriorating security situation in Europe and the Swedish debate has centered on the adoption of a NATO option. The Church Board's investigation of Israel and the crisis in Bosnia has also been the subject of last week's debate.

January 17, 2022, Current debate

The "green wave" shows the way in the fight for abortion rights

The movement that has fought for the right to abortion in Argentina has used the color green in its campaigns - and has therefore come to be known as the "Green Wave". Photo: Lara Va, Wikimedia.

Of: Beata Sjödahl

In many parts of the world, women's right to their own bodies is restricted by conservative abortion legislation. In several countries in South and Latin America, on the other hand, the wind is blowing in the other direction. In Argentina, the movement that has fought for abortion rights and had a major influence over the country's legalization of abortions has come to be known as the "Green Wave". Now the movement has spread to other countries on the continent.

October 18, 2021, Analysis