Of: Ann Svensén, Anna Hägg-Sjöquist, Annica Sohlström, Bo Forsberg, Daniel Grahn, Eva Christina Nilsson, Gunnel Axelsson Nycander, Johanna Sandahl, Magnus Falklöf, Maria Andersson, Niclas Lindgren and Sofia Walan
Every fifth aid krona is used today to handle refugee reception in Sweden. The fact that the government is now investigating whether it is possible to take additional funds from Swedish development assistance, as much as 60 percent, risks increasing the number of people who are forced to flee. It writes representatives of twelve aid organizations.
November 6, 2015, Debate
Of: Annica Sohlström and Stone Rylander
Sweden is, after Switzerland, the country within the OECD that erodes aid the most. It is unfortunate that the new government is now signaling that the erosion will continue. Other budget solutions exist and should be discussed, write Sten Rylander and Annica Solhström from Forum Syd.
October 20, 2014, Debate
Of: Alexander Gabelic, Ann Svensén, Annica Sohlström, Gabi Björsson, Jens Orback and Kristina Henschen
The Government's development assistance platform has too serious shortcomings in order to function as intended as the Swedish development aid policy's overall governing document. It lacks analysis of the world around us and visions of how to achieve a fair and sustainable world. It is serious, say Gabi Björsson, Aleksander Gabelic, Kristina Henschen, Jens Orback, Annica Sohlström and Ann Svensén.
June 9, 2014, Debate
Of: Annica Sohlström and Gabi Björsson
Trade policy is an important issue for the development of poor countries. Despite this, the issue has hardly been debated before the EU election. The agreements with African countries are on the agenda this autumn, the Swedish EU parliamentarians should then ensure that the EU's trade agreements with developing countries promote sustainable and fair development, Gabi Björsson and Annica Sohlström believe.
May 22, 2014, Debate
Of: Annica Sohlström and Maud Johansson
The IMF has received surprisingly high gains due to rising gold prices. Forum Syd is behind a worldwide appeal to the governments that control the IMF with the message that the well-stocked funds should be used for debt write-offs, write Annica Sohlström and Maud Johansson, Forum Syd.
April 15, 2011, Debate