Maidan Square where the 2014 riots launched Ukraine's quiet revolution. The silence refers to the engine of democracy that decentralization has been in Ukraine. Photo: Juan Antonio Segal. Source: Wikimedia commons.
Of: Andreas Klawitter
The decentralization reform which has ongoing in Ukraine since 2014 has been described as one of the main reasons for the country's valiant resistance in the war against Russia - which was not included on the spreadsheets of analysts around the world. Sweden has a decisive importance for the continued survival of the reform.
July 28, 2022, Almedalen - article, Reportage
The question of whether Sweden should maintain its security policy line or adopt a so-called NATO option has divided the Swedish debate over the past week. Photo: Canva.
Of: Andreas Klawitter and Beata Sjödahl
The NATO issue has once again become highly topical after the deteriorating security situation in Europe and the Swedish debate has centered on the adoption of a NATO option. The Church Board's investigation of Israel and the crisis in Bosnia has also been the subject of last week's debate.
January 17, 2022, Current debate
After 42 years of dictatorship and ten years of civil war, the popular will for democracy is strong in Libya. Pictured: Election of the Transitional Government Presidential Council at the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum in Geneva, February 5, 2021. Photo: Violaine Martin / UN Geneva. Source: Flickr.
Of: Andreas Klawitter
With the forthcoming presidential election on December 24, Libya, since Gaddafi's fall 10 years ago, is facing a crucial transition phase. Despite successes in holding municipal elections and the fact that the implementation of removing foreign mercenaries has begun, it is still uncertain whether decisive election laws will have time to enter into force on election day.
December 9, 2021, Interview
The conversation about how NATO bombings violated international law is still shrouded in obscurity. Pictured: Norwegian F-16 fighter jet at Souda air base after bombing mission in Libya in 2011. Photo: Metziker / Flickr.
Of: Andreas Klawitter
A little more than ten years have passed since the UN-sanctioned NATO intervention in Libya militarily forced a regime change and overthrew dictator Muammar Gaddafi. Utvecklingsmagasinet has interviewed the publisher of, Lars-Gunnar Liljestrand, to shed light on how the military operation, of which Sweden was a part, violated international law on several different levels.
October 28, 2021, Interview