The Aurora youth movement has sued the Swedish state in public court for not treating the climate crisis as a crisis, something that has become the subject of debate over the past week. Pictured: Fridays For Future demonstration in Stockholm, February 2020. Photo: Frankie Fouganthin. Source: Wikimedia commons.
Of: Amanda Rossling and Karin Sjöstrand
The government's climate policy has been debated over the past week, as well as the youth organization Aurora's lawsuit against the state. The war in Ukraine has continued to be the subject of debate and DN's lead writer wonders if Sweden really supports Ukraine when Ukrainian women are forced into prostitution.
December 5, 2022, Current debate
The fact that the Ministry of the Environment will be closed has been debated during the week. Photo: CEphoto, Uwe Aranas. Source: Wikimedia commons.
Of: Amanda Rossling and Karin Sjöstrand
Last week, Sweden's new ministers were appointed and with this the closure of the Ministry of the Environment was also presented, something that created strong reactions around the country. The decision is criticized by Sweden's former climate and environment minister, who believes that the consequences could be catastrophic for environmental work.
October 24, 2022, Current debate