Historical nuclear ban may come into force

In January 2021, an international agreement enters into force that bans nuclear weapons under international law. Photo: Tim Wright. Flickr.com.

Of: Amanda Lindell

On January 22, 2021, nuclear weapons may be banned. That after Honduras became the 50th state to adopt the UN Nuclear Weapons Convention. All nuclear weapons states have boycotted the agreement, but Svenska Fred's chairman Agnes Hellström believes that the agreement will still have major effects.

January 19, 2021, Interview

"Not enough requirement for Swedish companies to respect human rights"

Human rights violations often occur further down the production chains where employees may need to work in difficult conditions. Photo: RAJESH misra (publicdomainpictures.net) /needåix.com.

Of: Amanda Lindell

Child labor, 70-hour work weeks and non-living wages. This is the reality for many workers in other countries who produce goods for Swedish companies. Despite this, there is no legal requirement that Swedish companies must respect human rights abroad. 

November 16, 2020, Reportage