Sexual violence in conflict is a serious problem in several countries around the world. The African groups' partner Ondjango Feministas raises awareness of women's rights in Angola. Photo: Sheila Nangue. Source: Ondjango Feministas.
Of: Alice Eriksson
August 11, 2022, Almedalen - article, Reportage
Instead of taking money from development aid to pay for refugee reception, Sweden should increase support for farmers in poor parts of the world, in order to counter a global food crisis. This is what Anna Tibblin, Secretary General of We Effect, and Anna-Karin Hatt, CEO of the Swedish Farmers' Association (LRF), write in a debate article in SvD. Pictured: Mauritania, which in 2012 was hit by a serious food crisis. Photo: Oxfam International. Source: Flickr.
Of: Alice Eriksson
Last week warned debaters for the consequences of reducing Swedish aid when the UN flags that billions of people in the world could be starved due to the war in Ukraine, the question about nuclear weapons was a part of the continued NATO debate.
May 9, 2022, Current debate
The climate crisis is leading to extreme weather and difficulties in food security in Zambia. Photo: Marta Przysiecka. Source: Flickr.
Of: Alice Eriksson
Nearly half of Zambia's residents do not reach the minimum daily caloric intake. Even more are living in poverty and a third of all children under the age of five in the country are malnourished. Despite this, Zambia tops the list of the most underreported humanitarian crises in the world.
April 1, 2022, News
Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are protesting against Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Photo: José Pablo Domínguez Source: Unsplash.
Of: Alice Eriksson
On Thursday last week, Ukraine was invaded by Russia. The situation is the worst in Europe since World War II. Sweden is now assisting Ukraine with defensive weapons.
March 2, 2022, Notis
The security situation in Europe has continued to be the focus of Swedish debate pages - both regarding the threat to Ukraine and the situation in Bosnia. Photo: dlugo_svk. Source: Pixabay.
Of: Alice Eriksson and Hibo Yusuf Ahmed
Over the past week, the security situation in Europe has continued to be a large part of the Swedish debate. Both the military mobilization on the border with Ukraine and the crisis in Bosnia have attracted attention.
January 24, 2022, Current debate
- That 76 candidates want to become president of Libya after the election on December 24 is more a sign of the country's chaotic division than that there is a nice Christmas present in the package, Gunnar Jonsson writes on DN's leader pages.
Of: Alice Eriksson and Hibo Yusuf Ahmed
The uncertainty surrounding the presidential election in Libya provokes reactions and the military intervention in the country in 2011 is questioned in an editorial in DN. On Aftonbladet's editorial page, Amazon's founder Jeff Bezos is criticized when he donates billions to various climate organizations.
December 13, 2021, Current debate
The countries' agreements during the COP26 climate conference, in particular that on coal power, have received both positive and negative reactions. Image from the Neurath coal power plant in Grevenbroich, Germany. Photo: Catazul. Source: Pixabay.
Of: Alice Eriksson
On 31 October, the 26th UN Climate Conference COP26 kicked off. According to researchers, the meeting was successful after only a few days, while climate activist Greta Thunberg called the meeting a "greenwash festival". And it was not just climate activists who were disappointed when the countries of the world decided to simply reduce coal power instead of phasing it out completely.
December 7, 2021, News
The textile industry is estimated to be the second most polluted industry in the world, after the oil industry, according to UN News. Photo: PhotoMIX-Company. Source: Pixabay.
Of: Alice Eriksson
The clothing industry is the second most polluted industry in the world and the largest parts of the emissions for Swedes' consumption take place abroad. At the same time, the people who make clothes in factories work under terrible working conditions.
November 23, 2021, Analysis