The Ignorance of Indigenous Needs

Energy infrastructure in rural areas is a threat to indigenous livelihoods Photo: Jason Blackeye / Unsplash

Of: Alice Castensson and Julia Mühlhauser

The effects of climate change threaten humans all over the world. Nevertheless, indigenous people - who contributed the least - are doubly affected. As countries are increasingly implementing adaptation strategies, renewable energy is often raised as the solution - with large projects being constructed in rural areas. This however overlooks the interests of indigenous peoples living in these areas.

April 29, 2021, English, Interview, Magazine

Why economic growth will not save the climate

Economic growth contributes to climate change through large scale resource extraction. Photo: Andrew Taylor / Flickr

Of: Alice Castensson and Julian Dannefjord

The United Nations envisions both increased economic growth and effective climate action by the end of this decade. The combination of these is not consistent in the current state of the world. To effectively combat the threat of climate change, we need a shift in the status quo and a different economic structure.

December 20, 2020, Chronicle, English, Chronicle, Magazine