Of: Agnes Björn, Diana Trimino, Marianne Eriksson and Melanie Ward
Teenage girls are an extra vulnerable group in conflicts and natural disasters. They risk getting married and being abused or trafficked. Yet they are often forgotten in humanitarian aid. The International Rescue Committee and Plan International Sweden therefore call on the Swedish government to make specific initiatives for teenage girls in crisis and conflict.
July 6, 2017, Debate
Of: Agnes Björn and Marianne Eriksson
Children must be involved in the work of building communities that can stand up to natural disasters. The countries of the world agreed on this in Sendai in 2015. If we want this to become a reality, we must increase aid to civil society and work with disaster risk reduction in the world's schools, writes Plan International Sweden.
May 23, 2017, Debate
Of: Agnes Björn and Pia Stavås Meier
When the world is facing a global refugee crisis, threatening epidemics and more and more weather-related disasters, children are disproportionately affected. Nevertheless, Sweden lacks clear strategies for dealing with it. Now it is time for Sweden to secure its humanitarian aid for children, write Pia Stavås Meier and Agnes Björn at Plan International.
March 7, 2016, Debate