"2023 has passed as one of the most violent and conflict-ridden years in a very long time. Not only the terrible developments in Israel and Palestine and the continuing Russian war of invasion in Ukraine, but there have also been devastating developments in Sudan, in the Sahel region, Eastern DRC. Armed conflict has continued in the Horn of Africa, in Mozambique, in Syria and in Myanmar. Frozen or stagnant conflicts such as in Nagorno-Karabakh and Kosovo have flared up and violence in Afghanistan, Colombia continues.”
So write Per Olsson Fridh on the FBA blog. He is director general at the Folke Bernadotteakademin - Sweden's expert authority for peace, security and development, which, with the government's changes in aid policy, has partly received a changed mission. For example, the bilateral collaborations with, among others, Mali, Liberia and Myanmar are to be ended, and FBA is no longer to work with support for Swedish civil society. Instead, the authority will, among other things, support the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in NATO work and examine how they can contribute to security work against hybrid threats. Further changes are expected to come with new aid strategies during the first part of 2024.
How does Olsson Fridh see FBA's role in the current world situation and with new political priorities? What is FBA's most important task in the overall Swedish contribution to international peace, security and development? What leeway does the authority have, and what will its work look like going forward?
Welcome to a breakfast conversation at FUF on 9 February where these questions will be discussed. Lennart Wohlgemuth, board member of FUF, leads the conversation where participants are invited to ask questions.
The conversation takes place at FUF's office and we offer breakfast. Advance registration is required and there is a limited number of places. Registration closes at 15.00 on 8 February. You sign up here. The call will also be streamed live via our YouTube channel Fool play.
For information, the venue is half a flight of stairs down without a lift and unfortunately there is no ear loop in the venue.
Picture of Per Olsson Fridh: FBA.