Tunisia - 10 years after the revolution

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What challenges does Tunisia, a newly democratized country, face 10 years after the revolution?

Ten years ago, demonstrations where the population demanded political and human rights started in Tunisia. The protests led to a revolution and eventually democratization. What was it that made this revolution successful and what has changed for the country and its population?

We at FUF Gothenburg have invited Alice Wadstrom, Sida Alumni, to a conversation regarding these questions and how the country works in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with regard to peace, justice and strong institutions.This conversation aims to shed light on the processes of democratization and the challenges and opportunities that Tunisia, as a new democracy, faces. FUF's local association in Gothenburg does this as part of our ongoing theme #10yearslater.

The seminar takes place on Zoom and requires preregistration - everybody is welcome, member or not! There is a limited number of places, so register today to participate! The registration closes on Sunday, May 2, 23:55.

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