China's ambassador to Sweden has created a debate following his threats and pressure on journalists.
Of: Rebecka Rönnegård
What consequences will there be for China's ambassador to Sweden after a series of undemocratic initiatives? This is a question that several editorial boards have asked themselves in the past week. In addition, the World Economic Forum is considered to be characterized by the climate crisis for the first time.
January 22, 2020, Current debate
Venezuela's flag, which is at the heart of this week's debate.
Of: Celina Lindgren
This week's debaters have focused on the whole world when the Davos summit ends and Venezuela enters political turmoil. At the same time, the political situation in Turkey is being discussed. Although the debaters are based on different continents, they agree that the outside world must react and take responsibility for human rights and democracy.
January 30, 2019, Current debate
The world's economic and political leaders meet at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland. Photo: US Embassy Bern / Eric Bridiers
Of: Christina Arvidsson
This week, the World Economic Forum is being held in Davos, Switzerland. There, some of the world's most influential business leaders and politicians meet to try to solve global problems. Based on the meeting in Davos, several debate articles have discussed both climate policy and the importance of transparency among the power elite.
January 23, 2019, Current debate