The debt crisis after the pandemic

Photo: John McArthur, Unsplash

Of: Rine Mansouri

The corona pandemic has hit everyone hard, but now another type of crisis is expected to hit low- and middle-income countries, a debt crisis of enormous proportions as a result of the pandemic's effects and strain on their already fragile welfare systems. One potential solution, according to the International Monetary Fund, is so-called Special Drawing Rights.

May 3, 2021, Reportage

Time to realize economic principles for reducing inequality

Of: Elina Scheja and True Schedvin

Oxfam recently launched a report showing that 8 individuals own as much as half of the earth's population. The extreme inequality is impossible to justify, but the report blames outdated assumptions. Leading economists no longer believe that poverty can be eradicated through growth that "seeps down". If current economic thinking is put into use, an inclusive development is possible, write Elina Scheja and True Schedvin in Sida's chief economist team.

January 31, 2017, Debate

New Development Bank - a protest against skewed distribution of power

Of: Amanda Svensson

Developing and emerging countries have far too little influence in important economic institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The New Development Bank is a concrete protest against the global institutions not keeping up with the shifts in power that are taking place in the world today. It writes Amanda Svensson, a recent graduate student at the University of Gothenburg.

August 19, 2015, Debate