Photo: Aleksandr Ledogorov, Unsplash
Of: Isabella Lövin
The Green Party stands for a large and effective aid where the resources benefit the most vulnerable people. International development cooperation is vital, at the same time as the work for a sustainable world cannot and should not depend on development aid. All parts of society must deliver if we are to succeed, writes the Green Party's spokesperson Isabella Lövin.
August 20, 2018, Debate
Of: Fredrik Malm
The Liberals want Swedish aid to go to countries that invest in development and democracy. Democratic reforms reduce corruption and at the same time benefit countries' economies. This is what the Liberals' foreign policy spokesman Fredrik Malm writes.
July 30, 2018, Debate
Photo: Johan Wessman, News Øresund, flikr
Of: Julia Kronlid
The Sweden Democrats want to see aid with a clear focus on poverty reduction and that the best interests of the children should be at the center. In addition to general humanitarian aid, we want to invest SEK 10 billion of the aid budget in refugee aid in the immediate area of various crises. It writes Member of Parliament Julia Kronlid.
June 28, 2018, Debate
Photo: Håkan Dahlström, FI, WikimediaCommons
Of: Jaime Gomez et al.
Feminist initiative advocates global justice and decolonization. We must challenge today's world order where the global north uses the global south. We want international cooperation to take place with mutual respect between equal parties and for the one percent target to be met without setting off costs for refugee reception in Sweden. It writes Jaime Gomez, Mats Ekenger and Maria Persson from the Feminist Initiative.
June 13, 2018, Debate
Photo: Hamid Ershad Sarabi, WikiMediaCommons
Of: Kerstin Lundgren
Individuals' freedom to decide over their own lives forms the basis of the world the Center Party wants to see. That is why we stand up for the XNUMX% target in development aid, prioritize the poorest countries and want more money to go to local actors who know their communities. Local and equal participation is crucial for development, writes the Center Party's foreign policy spokesperson Kerstin Lundgren.
June 11, 2018, Debate
Photo: Politicians' Week in Almedalen, Flickr
Of: Yasmine Posio Nilsson
The goal of the Left Party is a fair world order where common resources exist for all of us, not just for a few. That is why we want to pursue a policy where power and resources are redistributed, where women are included in all forms of decision-making processes and where at least one percent of Sweden's gross national income goes to development assistance, writes Member of Parliament Yasmine Posio Nilsson.
May 28, 2018, Debate