Art gallery creates community for genocide survivors in Rwanda

One of Inema Arts Center's many initiatives is Art with a Mission, where orphans are trained as Rwanda's next generation of artists. When their art is sold, they can pay school fees and other living expenses. Photo: Inema Arts Center. Source: Inema Arts Center, Rwanda.

Of: Agnes Durbeej-Hjalt

Enema Arts Center is an art gallery in Rwanda with many outstretched hands to Rwandan society. It is primarily a platform for promising artists, but creative workshops are also organized for orphans, schoolchildren and women from vulnerable areas. In a country where a terrible genocide was committed almost 30 years ago, community is both a fragile and a strong concept. 

May 12, 2022, FUF-correspondents, Chronicle

Development and Emergencies: Finding Resilient Paths Toward Development

Many of the people living in fragile or vulnerable states are at risk of man-made and natural crises, which can derail efforts made to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. Photo: Eddie Wong / Flickr.

Of: Aarne Hakomäki and QUESTIONS & INQUIRIES

As the world is still struggling to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, complex man-made and natural crises are evolving and causing major setbacks in the living standards and safety of countless people globally. While the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) give a promise of leaving no one behind, a study by the International Rescue Committee […]

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December 20, 2021, Publishing, English, Magazine