Gender equality and development assistance

Of: Anna Liljelund Hedqvist, Catherine Schmitz, Chris Coulter and Jessica Rothman

Much work remains to be done in practice to integrate gender equality work throughout Swedish development assistance. Concrete improvements can be made in the planning, implementation and follow-up of development assistance to achieve the Swedish goals of increased gender equality. Lessons must be learned but also applied in practice, write four representatives of InDevelop, who in a new thread invite to give concrete examples of successes and challenges for gender equality work in development assistance.

March 19, 2013, Debate

HPV vaccine and contraceptives in the MDG fight

Of: Nordström is different

85% of the approximately 285 women who die annually from HPV-induced cervical cancer are found in the developing countries of the world. Unsafe abortions and risky births are estimated to claim the lives of 000 and 47 women each year. Only 000-300% of women in developing countries have access to long-acting contraceptives, writes the government's ambassador for global health, Anders Nordström, due to two new, global launches of HPV vaccines and long-acting contraceptives in the work to reach MDG 000 and 1.

March 8, 2013, Debate

Speaking of land focus

Of: Charlotte Petri Gornitzka

In a debate article earlier this week, Sida's Director General Charlotte Petri Gornitzka wrote that Swedish "gift aid" in middle-income countries such as Iraq, Bolivia, Colombia and Guatemala is not necessarily needed. At a public inquiry on Twitter and Facebook, Gornitzka now explains what she meant by the term.

March 1, 2013, Debate

Continued good conditions for Swedish development assistance in Latin America

Of: David Scott

REPLY There are several reasons to question the motives behind Sida's proposal to phase out aid to Bolivia, Colombia and Guatemala - that aid is not cost-effective and can be more useful in other countries. The phasing out threatens to destroy the Latin American trust in Sweden that has been built up over decades, writes David Scott, who previously evaluated aid to Guatemala on behalf of the now defunct evaluation authority Sadev.

February 28, 2013, Debate

Government's silence unsustainable: A clear message about continued Swedish long-term development support to Sudan is needed

Of: Bo Forsberg, Elizabeth Dahlin, Erik Lysén, Leif Zetterlund, May Britt Theory, Niclas Lindgren, Peter K Sjogren and Sofia Walan

The government's silence in relation to the major development and humanitarian needs in Sudan is unsustainable. When Sweden's voice for support for a peaceful development is most needed, both political will and a clear direction seem to be lacking. This is deeply worrying. The government should present a strategy for how continued Swedish support for Sudan should be designed to contribute to long-term peace and development in the country and throughout the region, according to representatives of Diakonia, International Aid Services, the Christian Peace Movement, Life & Peace Institute, Operation 1325, PMU, Save the Children and the Church of Sweden

February 25, 2013, Debate

Civil Aid Policy: Successes and Challenges

Of: Henrik G Ehrenberg

Since the bourgeois government came to power in 2006, there has been a positive development on the development assistance front, writes Henrik G Ehrenberg, chairman of KIC and vice chairman of the idea institute Civitas. At the same time, there is still a lot to do. The development assistance has a turnover of SEK 31 billion in 2013. What the money is used for should be given greater interest from the bourgeoisie.

February 12, 2013, Debate

Strengthen the role of women in African agriculture!

Of: Inge Gerremo and Linley Chiwona-Karltun

Malawi's agriculture was recently described as a success story but is now facing problems again. How could it go so wrong? Could a female President of the African Union and a female President of Malawi make a difference in the fight against hunger and poverty and the need to achieve more equal living conditions? This is the question of Linley Chiwona-Karltun and Inge Gerremo, who are both active at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)

February 4, 2013, Debate