Youth challenge conservative norms in southern Kyrgyzstan

Inobatkhon Sultanova started getting involved as an activist in 2017 and is today the organizational manager at the Kyrgyz youth organization Noviy Ritm. Photo: Johanna Berzell/Uttvecklingsmagasinet.

Of: Johanna Berzell

— We are trying to create change, to make our country and our lives better, says Inobatkhon Sultanova. For a decade, the youth organization has Noviy Rhythm worked for equality and human rights in southern Kyrgyzstan. This despite opposition from the authorities and the local population.  

November 7, 2024, FUF-correspondents, Interview

More people need to talk more about sustainable peace and security

Young people have a key role and should therefore be given a place in the debate on peace and security, writes Veronica Sällemark.

Of: Veronica Sällemark

According to the young people of the world is our biggest global challenge the climate crisis, followed by the risk of a large-scale war. We have a difficult security situation globally. It requires new perspectives and more voices in the debate on Sweden's role in global sustainable peace and security. Young people have a key role and should therefore be given a place in the debate, writes FUF's Veronica Sällemark

September 20, 2019, Debate