FUF's non-profit has followed and reported on Ukraine for over 1000 days of full-scale war. Photo: Taine Noble/ Unsplash.
Of: The Chancellery
Last week marked 1000 days since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Development magazine has followed and reported on the development from an early stage. For example in these texts and conversations.
November 25, 2024, News
Maidan Square where the 2014 riots launched Ukraine's quiet revolution. The silence refers to the engine of democracy that decentralization has been in Ukraine. Photo: Juan Antonio Segal. Source: Wikimedia commons.
Of: Andreas Klawitter
The decentralization reform which has ongoing in Ukraine since 2014 has been described as one of the main reasons for the country's valiant resistance in the war against Russia - which was not included on the spreadsheets of analysts around the world. Sweden has a decisive importance for the continued survival of the reform.
July 28, 2022, Almedalen - article, Reportage
Sweden cooperates internationally through both the EU and the UN to investigate war crimes. Photo: WiR_Pixs. Source: Canva.
Of: Elin Malmqvist
Russia's war on Ukraine is regularly reported on the news. We are reached by testimonies of awfulness Russian soldiers have raped and executed civilians as well as attacked hospitals and residential buildings in Ukraine. And Sweden takes a great international responsibility to conduct investigations into war crimes in the world.
July 19, 2022, Almedalen - article, Reportage
More than 28 migrants arrived on the British coastline last year, according to the BBC, but Britain is criticized for its handling of refugees. Photo: IFRC. Source: Flickr.
Of: Maria Jacobsson
While people fleeing the war in Ukraine seek refuge in Britain, refugees continue to cross the English Channel from the French city of Calais to the coast of south-east England. Britain is now facing criticism, both from domestic and French voices - who claim that they take far too little responsibility for the refugee situation in Europe.
July 14, 2022, News
Annie Lööf (C) mentioned several global development issues in her party leadership speech during Almedalen Week - including Swedish development aid, the climate issue and the war in Ukraine. Photo: Hanna Carlsson.
Of: Brusk Ismail, Hanna Carlsson, Linnea Ljungar and Sara Lannebo
Solidarity in the form of aid, joint work for the climate and support for Ukraine is the way forward, according to the Center Party's party leader Annie Lööf. The message in her party leadership speech during Almedalen Week was clear - Ukraine's thing is ours. She also mentioned Swedish aid and that the Center Party stands up for the one percent goal.
July 7, 2022, Almedalen - article, News