Week 9: "This is Putin's war. Not Olga and Ivans ”

Hundreds of thousands of refugees have crossed the Ukrainian border, which has sparked debate about refugee reception in Sweden and in the EU. Photo: Mirek Pruchnicki. Source: Flickr.

Of: Markus Hietanen

Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine continues to dominate the news flow. Debaters and lead writers have, among other things, discussed Swedish arms support, an impending refugee crisis, the conflict's connection to the climate crisis and how ordinary Russians end up in trouble with the war.

March 7, 2022, Current debate

The outside world is protesting in solidarity with the Ukrainian people

Over the weekend, demonstrations took place around the world against Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Photo: pix-4-2-day. Source: Flickr.

Of: Hibo Yusuf Ahmed

Protesters around the world have taken to the streets to express their support for Ukraine. DN's report raises several voices in the protests with emotional statements about the war that prevails.

March 1, 2022, Notis

Week 8: Debaters react to Russia's invasion of Ukraine

People all over the world have protested against Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Photo: Victoria Pickering, from a demonstration in Washington. Source: Flickr.

Of: Villemo Warnerfjord

More support for Ukraine, sports boycotts and open hearts. How Sweden and the EU should act on Russia's invasion of Ukraine has shaped the debate over the past week.

February 28, 2022, Current debate

A look back at what caused the invasion of Ukraine

Independence Square in Kiev, Ukraine. Source: Flickr. Photographer: Juan Antonio Segal.

Of: Elise Olsson

Tensions have been high between Russia and Ukraine since the fall of the Soviet Union, and now Russia has chosen to invade Ukraine - an invasion that will cost the lives of innocent people. But to understand the background to the invasion, it is important to go back in time a few decades.

February 25, 2022, News

Week 3: The threat to Ukraine could overshadow the crisis in Bosnia

The security situation in Europe has continued to be the focus of Swedish debate pages - both regarding the threat to Ukraine and the situation in Bosnia. Photo: dlugo_svk. Source: Pixabay.

Of: Alice Eriksson and Hibo Yusuf Ahmed

Over the past week, the security situation in Europe has continued to be a large part of the Swedish debate. Both the military mobilization on the border with Ukraine and the crisis in Bosnia have attracted attention.

January 24, 2022, Current debate

Attitudes towards vaccinations a challenge for Ukraine

The number of vaccinated in Ukraine is low compared to other countries in Europe. Despite this, crowds gathered during the summer of 2021. Photo: The writer's.

Of: Nick Nguyen

Vaccination is crucial for a country to be able to put the pandemic behind it. But the slow pace of vaccination throughout Eastern Europe means that the pandemic may return in full force this autumn. In Ukraine, our correspondent is trying to find out why the willingness to vaccinate is low even among the young and well-educated.

September 14, 2021, FUF-correspondents, Reportage

Week 15: NATO debate after Russian escalation and China boycott H&M

Last year, H&M stopped buying cotton from the Chinese region of Xinjiang after reports of forced labor.

Of: Melanie Alphonse

During the past week, the relationship between Russia and Ukraine has attracted attention after upwards of 85 Russian soldiers were transferred to the border with Ukraine. The course of events has contributed to a debate about both Ukraine's and Sweden's possible membership in the NATO defense alliance. China's boycott has also sparked debate about Sweden's trade with China.

April 19, 2021, Current debate

What does security mean in the wake of the Crimean crisis?

Of: Dan Öberg

The traditional security discourse reproduces male and female stereotypes and is based on the notion that the world itself is insecure and needs to be secured. This must be made aware in order for a deeper understanding of the concept of security to gain a foothold in the debate. That is the opinion of Dan Öberg, senior lecturer in military science at the Swedish National Defense College, in a reply.

March 5, 2014, Debate