The cornerstone of democracy remains threatened in Tanzania

Experts believe that an authoritarian regime will continue in Tanzania so that Samia Suluhu Hassan, the country's first female president, can gain respect within her own party ahead of the next election. Photo: AFP / Lehtikuva. Source: Flickr.

Of: Ulrika Granlund

In March this year, Samia Suluhu Hassan took office as President of Tanzania. A hope for democracy where freedom of expression would once again be given space was born, but an authoritarian government seems to be advancing - and the expectations of the population are being shattered.

October 22, 2021, News

Large distance between students and the labor market in Tanzania

Lack of IT skills is one reason why young people are prevented from entering the labor market. Photo: Musa Musa

Of: Jasmine Ashne

The number of university students is breaking records in Tanzania, but the educations do not live up to the demands of the labor market. Young women in particular are affected when employers demand practical knowledge that is not part of their education. The development magazine has talked to Andrew Mwakalebela who works to try to bridge the distance between students and the labor market.

March 25, 2021, Interview

To study a stigma

Menstruation, pregnancy and women's bodies contain many taboos in Tanzania. But there are organizations that work to get rid of such stigmas. Photo: Elin Bergenlöv

Of: Elin Bergenlöv

Studying something in a place where the subject is associated with shame and silence is a challenge. For ten weeks I have studied menstruation as an obstacle to women's social participation. I have understood the meaning of a culture of silence and how prominent a stigma can be. Around the world there is a tangible stigma that every person with […]

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June 4, 2019, FUF-correspondents

Lack of cultural competence threatens patient-safe care

Cultural competence is crucial in ensuring patient-safe care. Photo: Linn Debove

Of: Linn Above

In a hospital corridor in Moshi in Tanzania, about twenty students are crowded and the day in the maternity ward has begun. We move like a flock of sheep against the sounds of a woman giving birth. Want to observe. She is lying naked on a bed with neither walls nor draperies to screen off with and she has gone through […]

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February 4, 2019, FUF-correspondents, Chronicle

Debaters are calling for emergency humanitarian aid in Yemen and Myanmar

Refugee camp in western Burma

The Rohingya who are on the run in Burma are in great need of humanitarian aid. Photo: DFID Burma (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Of: Joanna Jimenez

This week's debate draws attention to two current conflicts that call for urgent international humanitarian support - the war in Yemen and the persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar. In addition, Swedish aid to Tanzania and several threats to women's rights are discussed.

November 21, 2018, Current debate

Scars from the past pose a threat to democracy today

The memorial site for the victims in Srebrenica.

We need to remember history to stop today's threat to democracy, writes Anders Lindberg in Aftonbladet. Here is a memorial site after the massacre in Srebrenica in Bosnia in 1995. Photo: Jolle Visset (CC BY 2.0 License)

Of: Maja Sundstrand

Last week's debate spreads uneasily between several areas related to global developments - from environmental issues in international trade to antibiotic resistance. But what dominates the debate are issues that connect scars from the past and contemporary threats to democracy and human rights.

November 14, 2018, Current debate