After a ten-year drought - Chile's new president faces several challenges

Access to and ownership of water is a key issue when the Chilean constitution is being rewritten. Photo: Katiamenfe. Source: Pixabay.

Of: Sara Lannebo

When Chile's newly elected president Gabriel Boric takes office in March 2022, he will take over a changing country. Chile has been plagued by a decade of drought and the issue of water management is high on the agenda when the country's constitution is rewritten. But there is a difficult balance between promoting the economic interests of companies and reducing inequality in the country.

February 22, 2022, Reportage

Indigenous peoples in Peru are fighting for their rights

In the mountain village of Umachulco in Peru, women work together to strengthen their rights. Photo: Louise Gripenberg.

Of: Louise Gripenberg

In the mountain village of Umachulco in southern Peru, women have joined a national women's indigenous organization called Femucarinap. They work to increase the community and strengthen their rights, which has led to increased hope for a vulnerable people.

September 17, 2020, Chronicle