Of: Alexander Gabelic and Megan Burke
More than 6 people were injured or killed by mines in 000. This is an increase of 2015 percent compared with the previous year. The alarming figures should make the world countries gather forces to get rid of the mining problem, but instead Sweden has halved its support since 75. The negative trend of recent years must reverse, writes Megan Burke, International Campaign against Landmines (ICBL), and Aleksander Gabelic, Swedish UN Federation.
April 4, 2017, Debate
Of: Barbara Jackson, Elin Andersdotter Fabre, Johan Hassel, Maja Brisvall and Sara Borgstrom
Today, attention is paid to the water issue in connection with International Water Day. Water is also high on Sweden's international agenda during the spring. In June, Sweden and Fiji will host a UN conference that will address the catastrophic situation that prevails beneath the surface of the world's oceans. It is high time to seriously talk about the underlying causes of one of the most devastating crises of our time, write representatives from research and civil society.
March 22, 2017, Debate
Of: Anneli Rogeman, Annika Schabbauer, Annika Forests, Birgitta Göranson-Iliste, Bo Forsberg, Cecilia Chatterjee-Martinsen, Erik Lysén, Gabi Björsson, Kristina Henschen, Lisa Sjöblom, Lotta Sjöström Becker, Luis Lineo, Maria Andersson and Marianne Eriksson
President Donald Trump's reintroduction of the Global Gag Rule means that much of America's maternal health assistance is frozen - something that will affect those living in poverty the most. It risks significantly increasing the number of unwanted pregnancies and leading to the deaths of thousands of girls and women around the world. Now Sweden and the outside world must cover for the reduced aid. Therefore, 14 organizations in CONCORD Sweden's gender equality working group call on the government and the Riksdag to add new money to the spring budget.
February 23, 2017, Debate
Of: Elin Andersdotter Fabre and Johan Hassel
The importance of cities for global development is growing as the world becomes more urbanized. Therefore, global challenges must be tackled at the local level. Today marks the start of Habitat III, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Urban Development, in Ecuador's capital Quito. Nordic cities can and should take the lead in the transition to sustainable development - let the conference be the starting point for this, write Johan Hassel and Elin Andersdotter Fabre from the think tank Global Challenge.
October 17, 2016, Debate
Of: Robert Höglund
The proportion of people in the world living in extreme poverty has more than halved in the last 20 years, but success does not seem to be stuck in the public consciousness. An excessively negative perception of the world situation leads to hopelessness. Therefore, we must increase knowledge about and rejoice in what gets better, writes Robert Höglund, communications manager at Oxfam Sweden.
September 29, 2016, Debate
Of: Melanie Ward
Today, the UN summit on migration and refugees takes place, and tomorrow the US-led summit on refugees where Sweden is a co-host. During the summits, Sweden and the EU must push for better support for the countries that receive the vast majority of the world's refugees, and for global commitments regarding resettlement to be strengthened. It writes Melanie Ward from the International Rescue Committee (IRC).
September 19, 2016, Debate
Of: Lisa Roman
Knowledge and contributions from researchers, even from academically weak countries, are central to identifying relevant problems and solutions to global challenges. Therefore, strengthening research capacity in low-income countries should continue to be the focus of Swedish research cooperation in development assistance, writes Lisa Román, research secretary at Sida, in a reply.
August 22, 2016, Debate